Friday, January 31, 2020

Meet Nick

Nick carraway is the narrator of the book the Great Gatspy which is from Minnesota he is in his mid 20s living a wonderful life in his home. He travels to new your to find new opportunities and find a new way of life in NYC.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Behind the Ignite talks

Alot of people had great ideas and methods to solve or explain there big question which got me thinking that I should do more in trying to explain and contribute to my big questions in different ways. Many of our classmates go emotional and in-depth in what they where doing and had plenty of evidence to back there opinions of there claims.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dark Patterns

Dark patters trick your brain into think you need a service or product you don’t really need by manipulating you in a way that catches your attention with words that may seem like they are a deal for gods sake we have a whole holiday to sales and services year round like Black Friday,Cyber Monday,vetrens  day sale, president day sale are all that is places use to lure consumer to by more of there products that we don’t really need.

Tv ads, newpapaers, and radio broadcast are also used to promotes and make a product look better

Monday, January 27, 2020

I’m Ignited

There where many big questions that caught my attention one that caught my eye thought was “why do we have to pay for college” because I always young to myself why do we I hate how we live in a world where we have to better our education and our future and we also have restrictions and limits on why we get to learn of what schools offer.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Hopepunk: Fighting and standing up for what you Believe and what your passionate about

A way of expressing yourself and going out and doing what you believe in

For example: Im really passionate about the climate and anytime there’s a climate strike I go out there and fight for what I  believe in

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Argue This

Syllogism: simplest form of logical argument
Major premise, Minor premise, conclusion

Truth:Factually verifiable in the world

Truth / Volatility main parts of syllogism

Many problem in the world are not factually verifiable and you never know of there true or not unless they can support there argument

Notes from today’s lesson

Martin Luther king Jr had faced the struggles and suffering that a man of color did everyday of there life
He was well informed and had a lot of references of past historical events and things that have happened.

MLK uses facts more than opinions and expresses in a way that catches a readers and listeners attention

He has logical reasoning and supports his arguments with facts and wonderful opinions that express the way he’s felling

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Down the Rabbit holes

So today I read an articles by  Maria Popova “the greatest annotation of Evil” I learned that Evil Grows and expands when one thinks he’s better than another person and causes a competition that people people race to be the best a fan strive to win in every single thing they do.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Today I interviewed an expert

In Today in class I had a great opportunity to talk and meet with a great person Cory Doctorow and someone who is know around the world because of his work in journalism, fiction writer and blogger. We had the chance to talk to him on skype where he answered some question we came up with online and asked him to see what he would say about each one. I got to say he is a really funny guy with a great personality I leaerned a lot from him and help he counting help teens out like he did with us.

Welcome Ladies and Gents to my Blog

Hello and welcome all to my blog, yes I know you may already have an opinion on me just because of my choice of writing but let me assure yo...