Thursday, November 14, 2019

Today's Argument

We had the opportunity to start and argument I of course choose the more classic route and ask does pineapple belong on pizza ohhh did the feedback roll in, I noticed to everyone wanted to e part of my question and thy we very intrigued by it that even the Teacher assistant’s wanted to be a part of it. I thought to myself oh how genius I am the most classic and controversial but yet the best way to get people listening.

Self-Reliance part 5

Be true to your-self and never become someone you don’t want to be and always be grateful for the things you have charsh them until you darkest days

Like it says on Self-reliance “nothing can bring you peace but your self”

Emerson está was truly a way to think of myself in a better way and find a way to love myself in my fullest potential

Friday, November 8, 2019

Self-Reliance Part 4

One doesn't know who we are so asking your self who I am and stares to think and but some brain cells into it help us realize the truth.

Many people out there look up to you or don't want to be anything like you.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self- Reliance Part 3

Emerson have a huge hit to the world and state that all human is good and to me that mean there’s good in every evil and that everyone should have the opportunity of change. Yes change might be a difficult step to take but who said it was imposible. I leave you with theses words be the change you want to be in the word peace and love

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rhetorical Strategies part 1

Ethos: the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations also know as there the credibility.

  • Johannes is a philosopher who works with engineers in " Sanford center automotive Research"
  • Diana Divecha credible bee she has a PHD on psychology and she's an assistant clinical professor at yale.

Pathos: a quality that evokes pity or sadness.

Logos: the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.

Kairos:a propitious moment for decision or action.

Self-reliance Part 2

Thought the week we were put to the task to finish interpreting what Emersion was trying to depict or say in his odd tone with one hundreds of years ago.

Self-Reliance: on one's own power and resources rather than those of others 
Emerson is focused on telling us to be yourself and find different was t think.

We feel our best when we actually put work into doing something ad feel like we've accomplished something.

Emerson has said that young people are ignorant but equally extraordinary.

 If someone doesn't express themselves there voice will never be heard.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Our acts our angels are, or good or ill, has more sense of meanings then one might think for example the phrase has more meaning that mean the same or are very similar like:

  • Action are greater that words
  • Think before you speak 
Ralph Waldo Emerson also said:
to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, — that is genius

Which means a persons Inter self there voice inside there heads that tells. what to do or  say
In this causing us to do things we would have never thought.

Emerson mention people lien Moses,Plato,and Milton that are 3 of the people that many talk about in religious ways and sometimes even the greater or inventors of 1 or more things that one know and love today.

Welcome Ladies and Gents to my Blog

Hello and welcome all to my blog, yes I know you may already have an opinion on me just because of my choice of writing but let me assure yo...